Hon. Myron D. Crocker

Hon. Sherrill Halbert

Hon. Thomas J. MacBride

Hon. Philip C. Wilkins

Hon. Edward Dean Price

Hon. Milton L. Schwartz

Hon. Robert E. Coyle

Hon. Lawrence K. Karlton

Hon. Hollis G. Best

Hon. Loren S. Dahl


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BEFORE WE WERE A DISTRICT. Martin I. Welsh (above right) is sworn in by Chief Judge A. F. St. Sure as the first federal judge to reside in Sacramento, in 1939. Below, left to right, his successor Judge Dal M. Lemmon (1947-1954) of Sacramento, and Judges Campbell E. Beaumont (1939-1954) and Gilbert H. Jertberg (1955-1958) of Fresno.
In Memoriam

Since the creation of the District on March 18, 1966, the court has lost eight of its District Judges. This page contains tributes to the lives of each of those judges: Sherrill Halbert (1901-1991); Edward Dean Price (1911-1997); Philip C. Wilkins (1913-1998); Thomas J. MacBride (1914-2000); Milton L. Schwartz (1920-2005); Myron D. Crocker (1915-2010); Robert E. Coyle (1930-2012); and Lawrence K. Karlton (1935-2015).

The year 2003 marked the passing of Magistrate Judge Hollis B. Best (1926-2003), of Yosemite, and former Chief Bankruptcy Judge Loren S. Dahl; and former Chief Bankruptcy Judge Robert E. Woodward died in 2008.

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