Player Statistics

Batting and pitching records of every player who appeared in a game for the Sacramento Solons.


Player Profiles


Yubi Separovich
Earl Sheely
Dick Bartell
Del Baker
Jack Downey


Gene Babbit
Bob Barthelson
Bud Beasley
Eddie Bockman
John Briggs
Joe Brovia
Jack Calvey
Milo Candini
Rex Cecil
Ed Cereghino
Gene Corbett
Chuck Cronin
Bud Daley
Bill Evans
Eddie Fernandes
Ed Fitz Gerald
Guy Fletcher
Jesse Flores
Tony Freitas
Ken Gables
Ted Greenhalgh
Al Jarlett
Alex Kampouris
Jess Landrum
Garth Mann
Lilio Marcucci
Joe Marty

Lou McCollum
Steve Mesner
Ray Mueller
Frank Nelson
Tommy Nelson
Joe Orengo
Hugh Orphan
Nick Pesut
Marino Pieretti
Herm Pillette
Bill Ramsey
John Ritchey
Johnny Rizzo
Rip Russell
Charley Schanz
Mike Schemer
Al Smith
Jim Tabor
Tommy Thompson
Jim Warner
Mel Wasley
Bud Watkins
Whitey Wietelmann
Leo Wells
Eddie Zipay


Tony Koester


Wilber Adams
Bill Conlin


Copyright 2001, William B. Shubb.